Friday, November 20, 2009

Erradicating Corrupt Leeches

Dear PM,

My pride at being an Indian wanes when I see the deplorable state of the lives of the majority in our country. We can't even build decent roads that last!

Unfortunately we are infected with leeches and worms that hinder progress and eat away resources by enriching themselves. This comes at the expense of bettering the lives of the unfortunate. We need stricter laws that put away these leeches and worms. Now is the time to enact these laws and enforce them.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Pillaging by Dilli

Dear PM,

You recently said that; "India lives in its States". It appears that Delhi has replaced the deposed British and is grabbing an inordinate amount of the States riches. It all started with the Asian Games. Then it was the Metro. Now it is the Commonwealth Games and the Airport. When will this pillaging stop.